Who are all the people at the Altar?

The Priest, Sacred Ministers and Servers during the Eucharist

High Mass is a divine drama with many participants. Each person who serves at the Mass plays a part. The priest gathers the faithful and presides at the altar. Sometimes there is more than one priest; in this case they may divide the tasks among them, such as reading the Gospel, preaching the sermon and celebrating the Eucharist. The deacon assists and may read the Epistle, chant the Gospel and lead the congregation in prayer. A subdeacon assists the deacon. The priest, deacon and subdeacon are the three “sacred ministers”. There are other assistants called servers or acolytes who help the priest and deacon in their roles. There is also a server called a thurifer who tends the incense and swings the censer or thurible. When the Mass is performed without the three required “sacred ministers”, it is called a “sung Mass”, rather than a “High Mass”.