Worship Service

Mass BCP

St. Vincent, Deacon of Saragossa, Martyr, C. 304
Colour: Red
10:00 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 115
Propers: FAS p. 63
Celebrant: Fr. Raths
Intention: For all who suffer for their faith in Christ, especially in the Middle East.

Mass BCP

The Confession of St. Peter the Apostle - HD
Colour: White
7:30 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 98
Propers: FAS p.59
Celebrant: Fr. Young
Intention: For greater unity in witness and ministry by the churches serving our Centretown community.

Mass BCP

St. Antony, Abbot in Egypt, 356
Colour: White
12:15 pm Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 111
Propers: FAS p. 57
Celebrant: Fr. Murray
*Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will precede the Mass, 10am – 11:00am.*
Intention: For the growth and renewal of religious communities serving the Church in Canada.

Mass BCP

Feria, Votive for the Parish
Colour: Green
5:15 pm Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 128
Propers: p. 689
Celebrant: Fr. Beall
Intention: For the Outreach ministries of our parish.

Mass BCP

Feria, Richard Benson, Founder of the Society of St.John the Evangelist, 1915
Colour: Green
10:00 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet: # 110
Propers: FAS p. 55
Celebrant: Fr. Borden
Intention: For the ministry and witness of the SSJD.