Worship Service

Mass BCP

St. Columba, Abbot of Iona, Missionary, 597
(transferred from June 9)
Colour: Red
9:30 am Morning Prayer
10:00 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet: # 117
Propers: FAS p. 195
Celebrant: Fr. Raths
Intention: For ministry and witness of the Community of Iona.

Mass BCP

In Octave of Pentecost
Colour: Red
7:30 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 54
Propers: p. 205
Celebrant: Fr. Young
Intention: For all who are persecuted for their faith in Christ in Africa.

Mass BCP

In Octave of Pentecost, Votive for Peace
Colour: Red
12:15 pm Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 5
Propers: p. 100, 2nd Collect p. 205
Celebrant: Fr. Murray
Intention: For all who labour for peace in the Middle East.

Mass BCP

In Octave of Pentecost, Ember Day
Colour: Red
5:15 pm Mass BCP
Introit Booklet: # 57
Propers: p. 210, 2nd Collect p. 205
Celebrant: Fr. Beall
Intention: For all discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life.