Worship Service

Mass BCP

Advent Feria
Colour: Violet
7:30 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 2
Propers: p.97, 2nd Collect p. 95
Celebrant: Fr. Murray
Intention: For the ministry of the Council of the North.

Mass BCP

Advent Feria, Votive for the Sick
Colour: Violet
12:15 pm Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 124
Propers: p. 582, 2nd Collect p. 95 BCP
Celebrant: Fr. Raths
Intention: For all struggling with addictions in our community.

Mass BCP

Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(transferred from December 8)
Colour: White
10:00 am Mass BCP    
Introit Booklet: # 114
Propers: FAS 371, 2nd Collect p. 95 BCP
Celebrant: Fr. Murray
Intention: For all who work to promote life and for the protection of the unborn.