How can I help? Volunteering at St Barnabas

Illustration of a handshake

Our Parish relies on volunteers for many aspects of our ministry. Would you like to get involved? This note outlines the many different functions that are performed by volunteers and tells you how you can participate. A contact person is given for each one. If you do not know the person named, please ask Fr Murray or one of the wardens (Diane Roussel, Bill Hallett, Drew Halpenny, Kate Morency).

1. Sidespersons

These are the people that you see at the back of the Church when you come in for Mass. They greet people, ensure that bulletins are given out, help newcomers with questions, and ensure an orderly traffic flow during Communion.  Contact: Diane Roussel

2. Readers

These are the people who read the first lesson at High Mass, and on occasion read lections at other services. Contact: Barbara DesBrisay or Fr Murray  

3. Hospitality/Food

Coffee time - hosting refreshments after High Mass, including providing the snacks (cookies, etc - your choice) and tidying up the kitchen afterwards. This is currently done every two weeks, with different people doing it on a rotating basis. Usually two people do this together.  Contact: There is usually a sign-up sheet for coffee posted in the narthex (the entrance of the church). For more information, please speak to Kate Beauchamp or one of the wardens.  We also on occasion have a pot-luck lunch after High Mass, in which case a sign-up sheet for food items is posted in the narthex a couple of weeks before the event.

4. Servers

These are the people who assist the sacred ministers at Mass. Contact: Fr Murray.

5. Altar Guild

Behind the scenes support for the liturgy, such as procuring flowers and putting them on the altar, candle maintenance, changing and laundering altar linen and vestments. Contact: Fr Murray

6. Outreach

St Barnabas supports the work of the Centretown Churches Social Action Committee and the diocesan social services ministries by regular donations of food and response to other appeals for help from these ministries. Donations of food left in the large barrel in the narthex are taken to Centre 454 every week by volunteers. At Christmas, special baskets are prepared for delivery to shut-ins. Contact: Yvonne Moses or Fr Murray

7. Adminstrative/Clerical

From time to time there is a need for help with clerical and administrative functions in the parish office. Contact: Fr Murray

8. Cleaning

There is often a need for help with the regular cleaning of the Church and Parish Hall - vacuuming, mopping, washrooms. Contact: the wardens

9. Choir

Music has always played a vital role at St. Barnabas. Our award-winning choir sings at the 10:30am Mass each Sunday (September - June), and at 7pm Solemn Evensong (second Sunday of the month). Choir rehearsals are Thursday evenings, 7-8:30pm, and an hour before services. An audition is required for new applicants, and Choral Scholarships are available for students. Contact: Wesley Warren (organist and choirmaster)  

10. Garden

Our church gardens and green spaces are much appreciated by parishioners and the general public. Various tasks need to be performed throughout the growing season: mowing lawns, weeding, planting annuals, trimming bushes and trees, raking leaves, etc. Contact: Wesley Warren (organist)

11. Sunday School

The Sunday School for small children requires assistance with preparing materials for classes, setting up and putting away furniture and equipment on Sunday mornings, and assisting children. Volunteers are also needed on occasion with sewing or woodworking skills and for special events.  Contact: Catherine Schwartz (e-mail  sundayschool@stbarnabasottawa. com .)

12. Decorating

The church is decorated a number of times throughout the liturgical year: Harvest Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. Tasks include obtaining materials, arranging displays, cleaning up, etc. Contact: Wesley Warren (organist)

13. Other Activities

There are other Parish functions from time to time which need volunteers. The most important is the annual Bazaar in late November, which needs a lot of volunteers for setting up and taking down, for sorting and pricing, and for hospitality. Speak to Fr Murray or to the wardens to find out who the contact person is. You are also encouraged to participate in the annual Vestry Meeting in late February. This is the annual general meeting of the Parish, at which parishioners decide on the budget for the year, elect volunteers for positions such as church wardens, and do other important business. It gives a good “snapshot” of the Church’s activities.

14. And most importantly...

The most important thing we can all do is to attend Mass regularly (and please consider including a weekday Mass in your schedule), and to uphold the Church’s work daily in your prayers. Not something we normally think of as a volunteer activity, but it is central to our ministry and to the life of the Church!

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