After a distinquished 16 years as the Incumbent at St Barnabas, The Rev. Canon Stewart Murray retired as of January 1. To thank him for his 16 years of ministry with us, a pot-luck lunch will be held on January 26 after High Mass.
Our New Priests-in charge
Following Fr Murray’s retirement as of 1 January, we are pleased to welcome Fr Jim Beall and Fr Roger Young to their new office of priests-in-charge. They will be looking after the parish until a new incumbent is appointed by the Bishop. We are delighted that they will be filling this important role - they are both long-time friends of the parish and know our liturgy and people very well. They have already spent a good deal of time making arrangements for this interim period.
Fr Young will normally celebrate the Tuesday 10 am Mass, and will also keep office hours on Tuesday mornings. Fr Beall will normally celebrate the Friday 7:30 am Mass, and will hold office hours on Friday mornings. The Thursday noon mass will be suspended for the interim, and the Thursday morning office hours will be replaced by the Friday ones.
A Prayer During the Vacancy of a Pastoral Charge
Almighty God, who knowest the needs of thy Church in every place: Look graciously at this time upon the people of this parish; and give to them a faithful Pastor, who shall feed thy flock according to thy will, and make ready a people acceptable unto thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(BCP, p. 45)