Worship Service

Mass BCP

Feria, Votive for the Sick
Colour: white
7:30 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 124
Propers: p. 582
Celebrant: Fr. Beall
Intention: For all who volunteer and work in the shelters and outreach ministries of our community.

Mass BCP

The Consecration of Samuel Seabury, 1st Anglican Bishop in North America, 1784
Colour: Green
12:15 pm Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 116
Propers: FAS p. 345
Celebrant: Fr. Murray
Intention: For the witness of the Episcopal Church of the United States.

Mass BCP

Charles Simeon of Cambridge, Pastor, 1836
Colour: Green
5:15 pm Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 133
Propers: FAS p. 343
Celebrant: Fr. Tudin
Intention: For the ministry of college and university chaplains in our community.


Mass BCP

St. Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397
(transferred from November 11th)
Colour: White
10:00 am Mass BCP
Introit Booklet # 116
Propers: FAS p. 341
Celebrant: Fr. Tudin
Intention: For all who work in the hospitals of our community.