Worship Service

Mass BCP

Feria in Ascensiontide, John Charles Roper, Archbishop of Ottawa, 1940

Colour: White

Introit # 116

Propers: FAS p. 177, 2nd Collect p. 205 BCP

Celebrant: Fr. Murray

Intention: For clergy and people of the Diocese.

Mass BCP

Ascension Day - HD

Colour: White

Introit # 52

Propers: p. 201

Celebrant: Fr. Murray

Intention: In thanksgiving for the Ascension.

Mass BCP

Rogation Tuesday – Day of Solemn Prayer

Colour: Purple

Introit Booklet # 50

Propers: p. 199

Celebrant: Fr. Raths

Intention: For all who work in agriculture in our local community.

Mass BCP

St. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 988

Colour: White

Introit Booklet # 116

Propers:  FAS p. 171

Celebrant: Fr. Raths

Intention: For all ministry of the Bishops of the Canadian Church.